“Never see a need without doing something about it” - Mary MacKillop
Volunteers are an essential part of our Parish, helping with ministries, liturgies and special events. It is a fulfilling and rewarding way to give back to our community. If you would like to become involved in our Parish by sharing your time and talents, we would love to hear from you. We welcome you to join our amazing team of volunteers, in any one of our many ministries below. Full training and support will be provided.
We need more catechists for 2025 to serve our Catholic families in public schools on a regular basis.
For information on being a catechist see https://ccd.sydneycatholic.org/about-ccd/become-a-catechist/
For further information about becoming a catechist in our parish, please contact our office at olw@northsydneycatholics.com or call 8918 4101.
Mass / Liturgical Ministries
There are various opportunities to assist in all our Masses across the 3 churches. In particular at the Sunday 9am family mass at St Mary’s. These include:
Eucharistic Ministers
Choir / Musicians
Morning Tea Coordinator’s
Altar Servers Junior and Senior
For further information, please email safeguarding@northsydneycatholics.com or call our office on 8918 4101.
What's required?
At Our Lady of the Way, we have a zero-tolerance approach when it comes to Safeguarding.
It is a requirement for all our volunteers over the age of 18 to complete the Archdiocese's and Office of the Children’s Guardians’ mandated Safeguarding & Child Protection Compliance.
We ask that all volunteers over 18 years of age complete the following:
For those wanting to volunteer as a Eucharist Minister, Acolyte, Senior Altar Server, Sacramental Leader, or Catechist, please also complete 4 & 5.
4. Safeguarding On-Line Induction Training.
Register via https://goo.gl/forms/wSkRi3ZO6PzkRfbo1. Once completed, you will receive a certificate. Please forward a copy of the certificate to the Parish office.
5. Provide a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC).
If you do not have a WWCC, you can apply below: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-for-a-working-with-children-check.
For children / persons under 18, who would like to volunteer in any ministry, a parent or guardian and child must sign the:
Consent form for Children In Ministries, and email it to safeguarding@northsydneycatholics.com or drop the completed form into the Parish office.
For any further queries about volunteering and its requirements, please contact our Safeguarding Officer Diana Gedeon on 8918 4148 or email safeguarding@northsydneycatholics.com