Upcoming events
OLW Lenten Retreat Day
Register here: https://www.trybooking.com/CZVUJ
Presenters: Richard Leonard SJ PP; Michele Connolly; Michael McGirr
Lenten Reconciliation
We warmly invite you to come and prepare for Easter by celebrating the 2nd Rite of Reconciliation.
First Holy Communion Mass
Book here: www.trybooking.com/CXPPM
Registration opens 10 Feb.
OMG! Program for Yrs 5 & 6
Bookings essential: www.trybooking.com/CZVGB
Supervised activities, pizza dinner, ice cream and fun! Hosted by Fr Brett SJ and students from St Aloysius’ College.
OLW Men's Group Fellowship
RSVP for catering purposes: https://www.trybooking.com/CZUOE
Lenten Grocery Appeal
Support the Ignite Food Store. Give generously this Lent. Bags will be in all churches.
More information: ignite@northsydneycatholics.com
Project Compassion Sunday
Donation envelopes and boxes in all churches from Ash Wednesday
Roster Sunday & Yr 6 and Kindergarden classes
Sign up on Sunday after Mass to join the 9 am Mass Community. Also, we welcome
Yr 6 & Kindergarten classes.
Catechist Sunday
Join us for Mass on Sunday followed by morning tea in the Ron Dyer Centre.

The Parish Appeal
The parish makes eight appeals annually for the support of those most in need. These are usually spaced six weeks apart. We rarely appeal for the parish’s own financial support. The last parish appeal was in 2011. It has become essential to update records and encourage ongoing contributions, especially as costs have risen significantly in recent years. Currently, many parishioners are not engaged in the regular financial support of our parish community.
On Feb 8/9 Fr Richard will preach the parish appeal. You will be invited, then, to either update your support, or to enter into a new commitment. Every donation no matter the size, is valued and will be used effectively to further the parish's mission and care for the community, for the greater glory of God. AMDG.

Parish Office closure
The Parish Office will close Tues 24 December and reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.
Holy Hour for Vocations
Change of location: Holy Hour on the 6th Dec will be at St Francis Xavier Church.
Celebrate the Feast of St Francis Xavier with the OLW Parish and Tongan Choirs
10.30am Mass & Morning Tea @ Holy Family Parish, Emerton
Advent Spirituality Series
Contact Fr Sacha for more information: sacha@northsydneycatholics.com
Mary's House Talk at all Parish Masses
SFX 5.30pm ; SOS 8.00am ; STM 9.00am ; SFX 10.30am ; STM 6.00pm