Mass Times


All our churches are wheelchair accessible.

Easter Mass Times—SFX

Holy Thursday-6.00pm Last Supper

7.15-8.00pm Prayer before the Altar of Repose

Good Friday—10.00am Stations of the Cross;

3.00pm The Passion

Holy Saturday—6.00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday—10.30am Mass


St Francis Xavier Church (SFX)

17 Mackenzie Street, Lavender Bay

Weekdays, 7.30 am

Saturday Vigil 5.30 pm (streamed)

Sunday 10.30 am


SFX is open daily for prayer.

(occasional change to times)

Weekdays: 7.30 am–4.30pm

Sat: 9.30am–6.00pm

Sun: 10.30am–4.30pm


Easter Mass Times—STM

Holy Thursday—6.30pm Last Supper

7.45-8.30pm Prayer before the Altar of Repose

Good Friday—10.00am Stations of the Cross

3.00pm - The Passion

Holy Saturday—6.30pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday—9.00am Family Mass

(No 6pm Mass).

St Mary's Church (STM)

264 Miller St, North Sydney

Weekdays 12.00 noon

Sundays: 9:00 am Family, 6:00 pm Youth


Easter Mass Times - SOS

Holy Thursday-5.30pm The Last Supper

6.45-7.30pm Prayer before the Altar of Repose

(NO Stations of the Cross)

Good Friday - 3.00pm The Passion

Holy Saturday—5.30pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday—8.00am Mass

Our Lady Star of the Sea Church (SOS)

44 Willoughby St, Kirribilli

Sunday 8.00am; 10.00am(Polish)



Participate in the Eucharist - 24 hours a day

Every day of the year from St Francis Xavier's Church, Lavender Bay, NSW Australia.

Go global with the Jesuits on your smartphone, iPad, or computer.

Streamed daily - Monday to Friday @ 7.30 am, Saturday @ 5:30 pm.

Family Mass


The 9am Family Mass at St Mary's North Sydney

This mass has a long and lively tradition. All are welcome and we endeavour to engage and encourage the participation of children and their families in all aspects of the liturgy. We rely on the strong involvement and initiative of parishioners and prepare ministry rosters twice a year (February and August). We are always looking at ways to refresh and develop the liturgy.

At present parishioners participate in welcoming, hospitality, collecting, serving as acolytes, communion ministers and ministers of the word. We have regular Sacristy Sunday sessions, when the children are invited to go to a dedicated Liturgy of the Word. This is facilitated by two parent volunteers with support from the parish. Parish-based formation and training are provided .

We seek to grow the music ministry and extend an invitation to any keen singers and instrumentalists as well as parishioners who can assist our existing team in a technical and coordinating role.

Home Mass


Home Masses are a simple and special way to develop our church community in your local area.

If you would like to host a home mass, please contact us