We have received the following update from Sr Josephine Brady RSJ on behalf of the Plenary.
“I would like to share a Youtube video on spiritual conversations by Fr John Dardis SJ. This is the process that will be adopted by the members of the Plenary Council and is one which you may like to use in your parish groups. At present, I know that meetings in parish groups that is not possible. YouTube video
Next week I will send the pro forma which can be used to provide feedback about your responses to the Agenda for the October Assembly. These responses will be collated by the Sydney Plenary Council Working Group and then forwarded to the Archbishop and the National Plenary Council Team.
In preparation for your response the Agenda can be accessed on the Plenary Council Website. Agenda
In this time of lockdown let us continue to pray that the Australian Church through the Plenary Council will grow into a vibrant community filled with charity, united in the freedom of the Spirit.”
If anyone is interested in assisting (via emails and zoom) in the Parish Response to the Plenary Agenda using the anticipated pro forma document, please let me know at
Laudato Si' Action Plans – Parishes
The Parish has received the following message:
“Thank you to those of you who attended the workshops conducted by RwC leaders – Sue Martin and Lawrie Hallinan.
Sue has asked me to share some resources to assist with your planning.
The Earth care Parishes AITS workshop PowerPoint is attached. The video-sharing more information can be found on the Alive in the Spirit conference website.
Alive in Spirit
Registration is $40 and will be there until December, but after December Sue can share the video.
The Jesuit parishes of Holy Family and North Sydney are included in the PowerPoint.
St Anthony’s Terrey Hills Landcare video
Catholic Earth care parish program has some resources
10 Tips Sue created
Sue has also asked who will be the contact in each parish as there is a plan to get together with each parish representative for a sharing event that Claire, Thomas and Sue will offer to help discern some priorities for ecological conversion in each parish, using spiritual conversation to support the journey within the parish.
Can you please send through the name of your parish nominee by July 30 please?
Kind regards
Louise Wellington
Delegate for Pastoral Ministries
Australian Province of the Society of Jesus
Father Andy Nguyen SJ and I participated in the workshops.
The main issue is how we make this a successful whole of Parish and Parishioners exercise.
The Parish Ecology Group is involved as is Father Andy Nguyen. We need broad parish participation to secure best success, including our planning and its implementation. Younger parishioners would be particularly welcome.
If you would like more information or are willing to assist, please contact me at
Michael Gill