2025 Baptism Preparation Sessions

Baptism is the premier sacrament that initiates a person into the Christian life and faith community. We invite you to join the baptismal preparation with other parents with children to be baptised in our parish. When you are coming to the baptism preparation session, we will provide additional information on registering for a baptism ceremony (following a Sunday 9.00 am Mass at St Mary’s in North Sydney or a Sunday 10.30 am Mass at St Francis Xavier in Lavender Bay).  With effect, 1st April 2025.

Sessions are held in the Ron Dyer Centre on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 4.00-5.00pm. If your child is 7yrs or older do not proceed with this booking. Contact the Sacramental coordinator, clairel@northsydneycatholics.com Thank you.


Catalyst for Renewal—The Call to be Lecture Series


2025 Parish Census