Sunday 29 Sept 2024

Not from the Pulpit: Fr Andy Nguyen SJ, Administrator

Communion in the Body and Blood of Christ

After over four years of absence, we are returning to ministering the chalice at Sunday Masses this weekend, the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. I thank Fr Joseph for his two installations for the previous “Not From the Pulpit.” I hope they have helped us reengage more fully with communion and participation in the Eucharist by eating and drinking.

There would no doubt be some re-familiarisation with drinking from the chalice and traffic control at Holy Communion. Here are a few helpful considerations for us as we move forward.

First, while it is the fuller participation in the Eucharist, drinking from the chalice is an invitation and not a requirement. Those who wish to intinct (dip the Host in the chalice) may do so carefully and let the Sacred Blood drip back into the chalice before withdrawing the Host.

Second, as you come toward the altar nearer to the end of the Communion procession, please lookout and take the next available minister of the bread and be mindful of the communicants coming and passing behind you. 

Third, if you come to drink from the chalice, please be mindful of those coming and passing behind you.

We give thanks that we can return to drinking from the chalice. I thank all our Mass coordinators and ministers of Holy Communion for their ministries and preparations.


Holy Hour for Vocations -Praying for our HSC students - Fri 4 Oct @ 7.00pm, St Mary’s


St Aloysius’ College Bursary Program